Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sunday Snapshot – Clean Up Australia Day

20140302-220407.jpgWe took part in Clean Up Australia Day today.  I’ll be honest and say it was a bit of a struggle to get there this morning.  The boys had already been out on a hike with Scouts the day before and then had to be back in town at 8am this morning to join in with our local Lions club in the clean up. None of us felt like going.

But, I’m glad we did.  It was only two hours out of our day.  We were lucky and had quite a scenic park in town as our designated location for rubbish pick up.  The kids enjoyed the walk around the lake and being out with some friends.  I think that it was good for them to learn a small lesson in that we all have a responsibility to look after our town, our country.  They also got to see that if we all get stuck in and help, it actually doesn’t take very long at all to get the job done.  It was a good reminder for me also.

Now, if only I could get the kids to participate in ‘Clean Up Our House’ Day!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


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